Recently, dog training videos to show more useful, as the owners of dogs collar of their dog, without fear of damaging your dog or just to keep both.
A number of dog bites are about as a result of the "neck-grabbing" to come. This tomb collar bites usually happens when the owner suddenly attacks after their dog's collar or neck regions, sometimes with no intention of dog training by the dog owners.
What happens then is that the dogis to associate the collar with the place of pain or discomfort.
This association can change the dog on the defensive when you try to keep them in the neck. Some dogs do not bite, but instead, defensive techniques such as playing "catch me".
It 'best to start training the neck while the dog is a puppy. You do everything you can not leave your dog or puppy establish a negative relationship in the spirit caught him with a collar.
Instead of tryingReassure your dog when you reach for the collar with positive reinforcement.
1 Education deal collar should be aimed not only at the end of a game session. Do not fall into the model of access only to your puppy's collar at the end of the season. This model creates an impression in your dog by the collar got so bad and undesirable, because it always signals the end of the season.
What you should do, instead of interrupting the season with back grabbed the collarand then mix with some obedience exercises, such as "sit" and "stand". Make sure your dog generous reward at the end of each session.
This creates a positive connection for your dog because it says grab a collar associated with reward. Frequent grasping the collar when playing is no longer signal the end of the season, but the time for refreshments or a quick timeout.
2 Education collar tackle should not be taken in connection with childbirth. From animalsNature can not be restricted. If you catch your puppy by the collar and leash or drag them into internal exile, of course, will be to attack the negative results of the restriction of connecting collar.
To create a positive atmosphere, giving birth to associate something positive. One idea would be to throw some crumbs or favorite chew toys in a corner. In no time your puppy will be happy to follow the instructions to get it going in your room or dog house.
3 Above all, do notNever leave your dog grabbed his neck as a prelude to punishment and associated blame. Do not call your dog over to scold and just grab it by the neck.
This is almost always in your dog will never come to you. The result is that your puppy is a dog that hates grabbed his neck, and when you hear an attempt to grab the neck, is evasive and offensive and she might also growl and bite the site grow.
After a goodDog training video or program helps you to avoid this.